It’s that time of the year(s)… My 5 picks for yaogun albums of 2013.
Category: General
You know, general musings, stuff of that ilk.
Kids! Today!
One certainly identifies with Cui Jian’s lament about how kids today aren’t pulling their political weight, but we do also recognise that yaogun offers its share of exceptions to the rule—enough, one is quick to add, to fill at least one book. Herewith, one of the most recent exceptions.
Music Fest Deja Vu
The deja-vu encountered by looking through the Modern Sky Festival’s early-October 2013 lineup inspired the penultimate post by the now-done-with-Tumblr Slink Rat. It’s a deja-vu this blog has also had, and one that all fans of yaogun and observers of China’s growing festival scene should, too. In short, Slink Rat questioned why, with as genuine a curiosity as one might intuit from a blog post, it is the case that the same bands play the festival every year. To that we might add the concern that this is happening across the festival landscape in a way, Slink Rat points out, that wouldn’t fly elsewhere.
Yaogun + Art
A long-overdue post to flog an event that brings dissident/artist/dissident-artist/etc Ai Weiwei together with yaogun happening at the Art Gallery of Ontario on THURSDAY SEPT 5.
New Album from PK14
For reasons not fully clear to me (but in retrospect I am ok with), an email arrived this morning via Bandcamp, that online listening station/record store, with exciting news of a forthcoming album from yaogun stalwarts PK14.