Greetings from Singapore, where the Singapore Writers Festival is in full swing… Some geography and chronology to update you all on…
Tag: on the road
The Coverage Down Under
Wherein the blogger toots a few horns of his own, because the amazing interest in yaogun Down Under was deemed worthy of a wrap-up, particularly now that he finds himself ensconced in a lovely bachelor pad (thanks to the kindness of a friend who rocks) on the Isle of Lantau, back in Hong Kong, after a whirlwind week in Australia talking to all who would listen (and some, yes, who would snooze) about the way China rocks.
More from Down Under
This update comes to you from the comfy confines of University House on the grounds of Australian National University in Canberra, ACT (that’s Australian Capital Territory), where I’ve been treated royally.
On The Road: Down Under
There is no more suitable activity associated with the place at which I sit than writing, even, one hastens to add, if it is taking place in the blogosphere: I sit at one of the Hot Desks of the Wheeler Centre, desk spaces at which writers and literary organization can can apply to sit and work. There is so much amazingness here at the Wheeler Centre, located in the heart of Melbourne, housing in it seven organizations devoted to various aspects of the written word, the Hot Desk Fellowships being just one.
On the Road, HK edition
Greetings from the campus of Hong Kong University, from whence this, the second dispatch on the Red Rock AustralAsian Tour, comes.