It’s that time of the year(s)… My 5 picks for yaogun albums of 2013.
Month: December 2013
Kids! Today!
One certainly identifies with Cui Jian’s lament about how kids today aren’t pulling their political weight, but we do also recognise that yaogun offers its share of exceptions to the rule—enough, one is quick to add, to fill at least one book. Herewith, one of the most recent exceptions.
Kids Today…
Yes, he’s just about the oldest living yaogunner, but that doesn’t mean the kids know better.
Useless Yaogun
Yaogun yucksters Second Hand Rose have a big show coming up: They’re bringing their Chinese-opera-folk-comedy-tinged rock to Beijing’s Workers’ Gymnasium on December 7. The stadium, which has hosted, among many others, Bob Dylan, Deep Purple and 2HR’s fellow yaogunner Xie Tianxiao (aka XTX), holds upwards of 12,000. So big is the upcoming show that the band has, in the lead-up to the big event, produced not just a promo video, but, looking to Serve the People, produced some helpful how-to’s.